Wednesday, March 4, 2009


I was approached by Victoria, having never met her. Her boyfriend wanted to have her different facial expressions captured so thats what we did. He made a list for her and we laughed while she did each one. (happy, mad, kissy face, etc. ) I didn't put the faces up because I didn't know if she would be embarrassed but they are so cute. She just wanted a basic shoot so we went to where other than the mesa arts center. wa wa. ha ha. Thanks Victoria for feeling comfortable with me and showing me your many faces. ::)


Amelia Kate said...

Good thing you are more that amazing, because it hardly looks like the Mesa Art Center. Your creativity rocks Lindz! I would love to be in your head for a day!

Dream Lenz Photography said...

oh no you wouldn't. trust me. its a crazy train in there.

Adria said...

those pic are so good, love them!